2017 Festival Judges

Amy Logan
Amy Logan
An award-winning global women’s human rights activist, Amy Logan has served as President of the Board of the US National Committee for UN Women San Francisco Bay Area since 2015. Amy is the Founder & CEO of Gender Innovation; serves on the Board of Directors of the Women’s E-Learning in Leadership Project (WELL) at George Mason University, is a Strategic Advisor of Leadership Development for Collective Impact Partners, and is on the Global Advisory Boards of World Learning, The Gender Leadership Group, Women’s Voices Now, the Muslim American Leadership Alliance and the documentary “Honor Diaries”.
An expert speaker on gender equality for the US State Department, Amy has given keynote presentations at the San Francisco Commission on the Status of Women’s 2016 CEDAW Women’s Human Rights Awards, TEDxSacramento, the UN Foundation, International Women’s Forum, and World Affairs Council.

Cristin Pescosolido
Cristin Pescosolido
Lytro VFX Supervisor Cristin Pescosolido is responsible for leading the internal R&D VFX team, defining the on-set and post-production workflows, and working with clients as Lytro brings the first light field cinema and VR cameras to market.
Prior to Lytro, Cristin was a stereo supervisor at Industrial Light and Magic, where she also worked as a technical lead for desgning and implementing ILM’s canonical Nuke system. Cristin’s career in visual effects spans many roles over 20 years and many films, including “300,” “Rango,” “Titanic,” and “The Matrix Reloaded,” and “The Matrix Revolutions.”
She studied animation and cinematography under Derek Lamb, Janet Perlman, Suzan Pitt, Jules Engel, Kris Malkiewicz, and Christine Panushka, as an undergraduate at Harvard and graduate at CalArts.

Cristina Escobar
Cristina Escobar
Director of Communications
Cristina Escobar is a strategic leader and creative communications professional with the mission of advancing gender equality. Before joining The Representation Project, she was a leader in the domestic violence field, inspiring young people to create a culture of healthy relationships. Over the last decade, she has exponentially built the audience for the causes she has championed, while also increasing that audience’s engagement. In addition, she has successfully created and implemented operational systems, fundraising strategies, and direct-to-youth programming. She has been featured in such leading media outlets
as Anderson Cooper Live, Glamour, Cosmopolitan, and NPR. She graduated Phi Betta Kappa, magna cum laude with a degree in English literature and Spanish language from Occidental College. She also holds a certificate in nonprofit leadership and management.

Meg G. Crofton
Meg G. Crofton
Meg Crofton is a 35-year veteran of The Walt Disney Company. Meg is widely known and respected for her outstanding leadership and passion for a world-class customer and employee experience. She believes that when great brand, culture and leadership are present, employees in any organization can make “magic” happen.Meg earned both her bachelor’s degree in marketing and her MBA from Florida State University. She was inducted into the FSU College of Business Hall of Fame in 2008, and recognized with the University’s Distinguished Alumni Award in 2013. Meg is currently engaged in board service and serves on the board of Tupperware Brands (TUP [NYSE], 2008-2015 Fortune magazine’s “World’s Most Admired Companies” and Forbes “Platinum 400: America’s Best Big Companies”)

Tiffany Shlain
Tiffany Shlain
Tiffany Shlain is an Emmy-nominated filmmaker, founder of The Webby Awards, and co-founder of two global initiatives, Character Day and 50/50 Day–unified days of film and discussion about important issues shaping our lives that unite over 100,000 live events. Character Day explores the science of character and 50/50 Day focuses on gender equity. Tiffany’s films and work have received over 80 awards and distinctions including premieres at The Sundance Film Festival and being selected by The US State Department to use her films to represent America around the world. Tiffany is a Henry Crown Fellow of The Aspen Institute.